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Day Care!!! Help!!!

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THEOTHER : Thank you..You said it better than i ever could..Maybe Hex & Gee will see my point...They both seem biased...Why should i work 2 jobs & she work 3 hours a day.....How is that fair....

I think that there should be a law to set up that the CS goes to a trust fund for the kids or somewhere to prove that the CS goes to the children & not the adult....Too many women get away with using CS on themselves & not on the kids...



theother....thank you so much for breaking it all down for me lol. If you read my follow up post...you would have seen I apologized to Mp for coming down on him so hard. BUT....you did say something else that I must address.

You said...." **I agree with Momma-tiger that this is probably not a true statement. Even if it was, I wouldn't think that it was right.
Well FYI, it is a true statement and it really did happen. Right for me...wrong for my ex lol. The judge didn't give a damn about my ex's income or how he would survive, because I was awareded alot more CS than I thought I would get...and I didn't ask for any set amount, the judge did that for me. I did ask for alimony though...and I got that too.

You also said..."**What are you trying to say? That not paying half of daycare will mean that he is not special enough to be a daddy? What are you implying?**

NO...I was not TRYING to say anything like that, and please stop anaylizing everything I say? Just because a man pays CS that does not make him a good dad...I sure wasn't referring that statement to mp, and again, if you read my second post...you'd see that I apologized to mp for some of the things I said to him. I do not make implications...I just state what I feel.

Yes theother....we ARE different and that's what makes this world go round. I have a few male friends who pay CS too...I even have a female friend who pays CS. I do feel for both sides too...but not the ones who complain about it all the time, or the ones who don't pay at all.

You also said...." Besides, since when has it been the parents job to bend over backwards to accomodate a child's wants? Yes, they should do whatever it takes to take care of their children (which would be daycare costs if it is necessary) , but wants are not needs.

I for one, would bend over backwards to accomodate my children's wants and needs, and in my opinion, it is the parents job to do just that. True...wants are not needs, but it's not the children's fault that their parents get divorced. They suffer enough with the divorce...I can't see taking anything else away, like their wants for example. Like I said before, I got a second job to make sure my kids got what they wanted and needed. A man can do the same...maybe it means spending less time with them...but isn't the quality of time more important than the quantity of time? Who said it has to be an 80 hr a wk job????

Now, as far as NCP not being allowed to worry if they have enough to eat at the end of the month is concerned...who said they are not allowed to worry??? I say, it's their problem how they will eat at the end of the month, and it's the CP's problem how they will eat. So I don't know where that came from or what you are impying???

Obviously, I was the CP back then, I sure wasn't worried about how my ex was going to eat each month, week or day...in fact, I didn't care if he starved. I know that sounds harsh, but I tell it like it is...my kids were and are my main concern. They are grown now and very well adjusted, even though I spoiled them with their wants, and I still bend over backwards for them.


Maybe Hex & Gee will see my point...They both seem biased...Why should i work 2 jobs & she work 3 hours a day.....How is that fair....
You still don't get it do you. No, I don't see your point. Because again, it's you you you. So, you want divorce, support, visitation and life to be fair? maybe someday. But as long as two people inhabit the earth life won't be fair.

As one poster said, if your ex is willing to meet you halfway on the daycare then that's the option. Otherwise until you stop this me, I crap I will never see your side.

Because the children's side still hasn't come to your attention. Now maybe a question like "Is this the best thing for my children?" or even "Why can't I take the children during the time she is at work?" or even "why don't we sit down and see if there's another solution to daycare like summer camp?" would get me in your camp.

But you still haven't read what I wrote and understood it. And until you quit focusing on you and start focusing on the children, this is one NCP who will never agree with you.

P.S. Just in case you're interested, my ex works fulltime and some nights managing a restaurant. They would have been with a sitter or in daycare all summer until my ex and I sat down, found a summer day camp for them and arranged for my brother and his wife to pick them up until the ex is off work. Sure, it cost me $400 a week but the experience they have gained in nature studies, horseback riding, animal husbandry and life skills is well worth it.

No, this is not always a solution. But the point is, there is always a solution if you decide to look for one.


mpfups said:
THEOTHER : Thank you..You said it better than i ever could..Maybe Hex & Gee will see my point...They both seem biased...Why should i work 2 jobs & she work 3 hours a day.....How is that fair....

I think that there should be a law to set up that the CS goes to a trust fund for the kids or somewhere to prove that the CS goes to the children & not the adult....Too many women get away with using CS on themselves & not on the kids...
I am not biased mpfups....and why shouldn't you work 2 jobs if you have to? I did! Stop worrying about what your ex does or does not do...maybe if you did that, you would be able to get on with your own life.


HEX....I couldn't agree with you more. It is the children's best interest that should be focused on here. Summer camp is a great experience for children, and there are some out there that are very reasonable. I don't think Mp will ever understand where you are coming from. I do, because I've been down that road a long time ago...your one hell of a dad and I have alot of respect for you.


I wish I could accept that accolade but I can't in good conscience. Last Tuesday I forgot my youngest daughter's birthday and I felt like crap. And to tell you the truth there's no excuse (although I had a good one).

I don't want to be father of the year. I just want to be daddy. And all I ever want is for people to realize that they only get out of their children what they put in.

Don't be fooled people. I don't care how young your children are. They listen. They feel and they know. I said it before and some didn't understand my analogy but children are like animals, they can read an adult just by 'feeling' them.

Try riding a horse while you're afraid. You'll get bucked in 6 seconds. Try reaching out to a child with anger inside you and you'll never reach him.


HEX...I bet your kid forgave you about the BD. Don't be so hard on yourself, your still a good dad. Amen to your last post.


Once again....Why should i work 80hrs a week when YOU or HER(The Ex) barely works?!? How are you contributing to the childrens well being? How are you seeting an example for the children..By teaching them that their father works too much to spend time with his kids & that mommy dont need to work cuz she lost her job & can spend all th etime in the world with them?

Hex: Man u have serious issues dont you?! Sounds like you are very bitter for a man thats happy paying his big time paycheck on his kids...So you think this makes you more of a man by flashing $$ to your kids...Anyone can do that....Why dont you show love and compassion & not your big CS payment & maybe u will understand....By giving your kids everything they want how is that teaching them anything..Cuz in this world u surely cant have everything you want but i guess if you are like Hex and flash your $$ around you can get whatever you want....Whatever my friend....Please pull the trigger & make us all happy cuz obviously u arent


yes she did. And although she is only 8 I told her the reason I forgot...a friend of mine killed herself this weekend and we had just gotten back from the funeral.

Know what? This sweet little girl who has gone through moving 7,000 miles, leaving her native language, her home and all she knew until she was 6 asked me "Daddy, do you want a hug?"

Sometimes I can't stand my ex. But she's the only person in this world outside of myself that I would trust to raise our daughters because she is the only person in this world who loves them as much as I do.

And although I'm in a position where money is never an issues no matter the cost, when I was earning less than $3,000 a month they always got half. Because it's not about the money. It's about the children. And money has never given me the kind of hug I can get from my daughters. Money has never read a bedtime story to me. And money has never and will never sit on my lap and fall asleep in my arms.


I dont believe in daycare for the last time nor does my ex until right now.....So once again Hex & Vee Gee im a bad person for not wanting that..Cuz i have an opinion..I thought we were in the US & have rights? Hey if you all like pawning your kids to day care be my guest but thats not happening to my kids....

My best interest is for the kids but you all think i am out for some other agenda....

Hex obviously you are lucky & have an ex that busts her butt & works...My ex doesnt...She wants a free ride...This isnt about me dude...My ex is living an unhealthy lifestyle..Its affecting the kids in my belief....So u want me to sit back & take it?


mp...I work now and worked 2 jobs raising my 2 boys on my own. Yes, I was getting CS and alimony....but I still had to work the 2 jobs to make sure my boys got everything they wanted and needed. Don't be fooled by "the old myths" that spoiling a child will not teach them values. That is so not true, and I have 2 boys who are grown now to prove that statement wrong. No one said to work 80 hrs a wk. I got a second PT job and was still able to spend quality time with my boys. I don't think your understanding what Hex is saying...your jumping to conclusions.


Well Hex not everyone is as fortunate as you with money..My kids to get pretty much what they want but i also have a house & many other bills to pay....


Veegee, like I said in my last post, I missed all the new posts so some of what I said may not apply anymore. I did see your new post about your CS/SS. I did say that even if it was true that I didn't think it was fair and I stand by that opinion. Courts make decisions that suck all the time, doesn't make it right.

Sorry if you think it's wrong to analyze what you say, but saying something like "any man can be a father but..." is really inflammatory and that statement is usually interpreted as an admonishment when directed as someone that you have had a disagreement with. You can't just spew platitudes and expect people not to wonder what you are getting at.

Yes, we are different and I guess we just have very different views on who deserves compassion and philosophies about parenting. Personally, I believe that quantity and quality of the time spent with children are both important to children, more important than their fleeting wants anyway. Of course, I don't believe in daycare and someone who does generally says that quantity doesn't matter. I also think that buying children things out of divorce guilt is a mistake. I do not believe that children should get everything that they ever want since that sets them up to be spoiled and disappointed later in life. I am sure that there are a number of other things that we don't agree on and probably a few that we do. It doesn't mean that either of us are right or wrong, just different.

Anyway, I am glad that you apologized for coming down on the original poster.


Vee Gee so you work 2 jobs but they are part time jobs...I work one job 50hrs a week...I think thats plenty dont you?


mp....honestly, your the one who posted your problem on this board in the first place. If you don't like the responses you get then you should go elsewhere to post. I really don't care if you work 1, 2 or 10 jobs...it's your life. But I do believe there is alot more to this than day care. Your ex's lifestyle is none of your buz if you want to know the truth...even though she is raising your kids. Just like your lifestyle is none of her buz. I think it's who she is with right now that is bothering you. It's your buz if you don't like day care...but like one poster said, things change. If your wife wants to put them in day care, how would you stop that anyway? You really seem to be very angry...you should not post your buz on here if you cannot accept the responses.

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