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Queen Bee
NOW can we please quit giving this OP attention? Please? WE all know -- well at least those of us who have read her history and are sane realize -- that she is after everything she can get because she has no compassion or caring for the mother. Nor does she care that she is overinvolved and selfish. She doesn't understand that LYING to her children is a NEGATIVE but blames the hurt on the newspaper and television. She doesn't understand that she is out of line by asking about TPR. She doesn't understand that she is in the wrong to be taking mom's place.

NOW can we please quit giving this OP attention? Please? WE all know -- well at least those of us who have read her history and are sane realize -- that she is after everything she can get because she has no compassion or caring for the mother. Nor does she care that she is overinvolved and selfish. She doesn't understand that LYING to her children is a NEGATIVE but blames the hurt on the newspaper and television. She doesn't understand that she is out of line by asking about TPR. She doesn't understand that she is in the wrong to be taking mom's place.

I agree, someone please close this thread!
Is my name mentioned anywhere in the order? Nope didn't think so. I wasn't in the Chambers as there were only 4 people in the Judge, Mom, Dad & Dad's attorney so again how did I TAKE THESE children from their MOM. AGAIN I didn't she lost them in which are the finding below.

Enjoy reading. Now since my children and step daughters are coming in I will let you all play.

Order read as follows:

THIS CAUSE having come before the Court on Monday, January 7, 2008 on the Former Husband's Supplemental Petition for Modification of Primary Residential Parent and Modification of Child Support, the Former Husband being present and represented by (attorney's name), the former Wife being pro se, and the Court having heard testimony of the parties and argument of counsel and the Court being otherwise full advised in the premises, find:

1. The parties were divorced by Stipulated Final Judgement of Dissolution of Marriage entered in this cause on November 1, 2005 wherein the Former Wife was named the primary residential parent of the parties' two daughters.

2. The parties have two minor children, to wit: ( Children's names and Birthdays) .

3. The Court has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter.

4. That since the entry of the Final Judgement that there has occurred a substantial and material change in circumstances.

5. That it is in the best interest of the parties' children that the Former Husband be named the primary residential parent based upon the following:

a. The Former Wife's continued lack of cooperation and communication as indicated by the evidence of her failure to communicate with written communication from the former husband as outlined by the parenting coordinator;

b. The Former wife's failure to cooperate with the parenting coordinator even after the threat of criminal contempt;

c. The Former Wife's testimony was not persuasive regarding her cooperation with the parenting coordinator;

d. The Former Husband's care of the children regarding there children's hygiene, school, therapy, dr appointments and the Former husband's persuasive evidence that it would be in the children's best interest if he were designated the primary care giver;

e. The persuasive evidence of the Former Wife regarding summer visitation that she cannot overcome her animosity toward the Former Husband to maintain the primary residential responsibilities for the children;

6. The Shared Parenting is in the best interest of the parties' minor children.

7. That the Former Wife is capable of paying child support to the Former Husband for the support of the parties' minor children.

8. That the Former Wife currently earns $9.00 per hour and works 27 hours a week.

9. That it would be in the child ( oldest daughter's name) best interest that she remain in the same school for the remainder of the year.


A. That the Former Husband is hereby named the primary residential parent for the parties' minor children.

B. That the parties shall have Shared Parental Responsibility based upon the Standard (County we live in) Shared Parenting Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A" commencing on January 25, 2008.

C. That based on the Child Support Guidelines Worksheet attached hereto as Exhibit "B", the former wife shall pay to the former husband the sum of $304.00 per month, commencing on the 1st day of February, 2008 and continuing on the 1st day of each month thereafter until the children have attained that age of majority or upon graduation from high school prior to reaching age 19 if performing in good faith with a reasonable expectation of graduation before the age of 19, dies, marries or becomes self supporting.

Done and Ordered:

County Courthouse
Judges Signature


Senior Member
Darlin? GET YOURSELF A JOB. Clearly, you need something to occupy your time. Perhaps you can take your need for power and control over everything and parlay it into something positive. Interacting with reasonable, sane adults may help you to see and understand the role you played in this very sad story.

BTW - if you do get a job? Please stay away from the men - enough have already suffered due to your lack of morals.


Senior Member


B. That the parties shall have Shared Parental Responsibility based upon the Standard (County we live in) Shared Parenting Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A" commencing on January 25, 2008.

Read your husband's CO that you have posted.. "shared" not unilateral, not with new Wife... despite what you may want it to be... back off


but hey, while we are on the topic.... it was 13 days since my ex saw our daughter.... and we didn't speak the entire time... do you think I can get rid of him? I could ask my neighbor if he'd like to adopt my kids... At least I didn't have an affair with my neighbor while ex and I were together... Sounds like I might have a chance eh? Or do you think I should wait the full 15 days before I start looking into terminating parental rights.... :confused: I just don't know... :rolleyes:
OMG! I didnt know that was an option! LOL! We dont see or hear from my ex from the Sunday we meet when our son comes back to me...to two weeks later when we meet on Friday for his weekend. I must say that, personally, I am thrilled not to hear from him and if he calls during that time it strikes fear into my heart because something must be really wrong for him to call me out of the blue. He couldnt take our son for spring break because he had to work, Christmas vacation too. Does that help in my favor? LOL!

Actually, I would never try to take my ex's rights away regarding our son. But your post cracked me up so I wanted to respond. :D
Again I am not her issue however my husband is. "We" have letters (documented proof) of this. The Judge has MOMS testimony to this. A restraining order preventing me is not an issue how Mom has made several failed attempts to do just that trying to prevent DAD, my husband from all of the above. I repeat I am NOT this womans issue MY husband is.
Do you think that maybe you are the driving force fueling the fire behind Dad? These kids have a mother, who's at least trying to be involved and you're sitting here asking us if you think it's possible to get a TPR... REALLY?? seriously? Why do you need to adopt these girls? Don't even try and tell me it's all dad because I am not blind....

Last but NOT least: My husband and Mom share JOINT Legal & Physical Custody of their two daughters. My husband is NOW the primary residential parent and Mom the Non-custodial Parent with a Shared Parenting. Mom has the right to live where she wants to live. If she was to move next door then so be it. That's her choice. However February 02, 2008 Mom chose to move to another of course bordering State however further away than what she was before. Her right her choice NOT ours. Again this BOTHERS me why? That's right is doesn't.
of course it doesn't, because you see it as a reason why you should be able to adopt these kids... :(
OMG! I didnt know that was an option! LOL! We dont see or hear from my ex from the Sunday we meet when our son comes back to me...to two weeks later when we meet on Friday for his weekend. I must say that, personally, I am thrilled not to hear from him and if he calls during that time it strikes fear into my heart because something must be really wrong for him to call me out of the blue. He couldnt take our son for spring break because he had to work, Christmas vacation too. Does that help in my favor? LOL!

Actually, I would never try to take my ex's rights away regarding our son. But your post cracked me up so I wanted to respond. :D
Oh yeah, most of us wouldn't, no matter how much we can't stand the other parent. That was my point. Just the ridiculousness of her post had me thinking are you serious? Some people would look for anything to get rid of the other parent because they despise them so much.... all the while the adults are forgetting that they already seperated from their ex... but they are still their child(ren)s mom or dad. Personally, I wouldn't mind if my ex fell off the planet, and just the mere thought of him gives me a headache, but I am certainly glad he's around for our daughter....
Is my name mentioned anywhere in the order? Nope didn't think so.
This is where you should have stopped and STFU...:rolleyes:

I wonder if your husband knows you are plastering his CO all over the internet. You seriously need to fall back lady..


Senior Member
Okay, I read all 80-some posts (whew!) AND the very first thread. Using Ohiogal's model, this is all I can say:

smiling in their faces
while filling up the hole
so many dirty little places
in your filthy little worn out
broken down see through soul

baby's got a problem
tries so hard to hide
got to keep it on the surface
because everything else is dead on the other side

teeth in the necks of everyone you know
you can keep on sucking until the blood won't flow
when it starts to hurt it only helps it grow
taking all you need
(but not this time)
no, you don't

and just for the record
just so you know
I did not believe
that you could sink so low

you think that you can beat them
I know that you won't
you think you have everything
but no, you don't

no, you don't
no, you don't
no, you don't
no, you don't


Senior Member
OMG! I didnt know that was an option! LOL! We dont see or hear from my ex from the Sunday we meet when our son comes back to me...to two weeks later when we meet on Friday for his weekend. I must say that, personally, I am thrilled not to hear from him and if he calls during that time it strikes fear into my heart because something must be really wrong for him to call me out of the blue. He couldnt take our son for spring break because he had to work, Christmas vacation too. Does that help in my favor? LOL!

Actually, I would never try to take my ex's rights away regarding our son. But your post cracked me up so I wanted to respond. :D

Oh man I totally have ALL you guys beat! Including OP! MY kids haven't seen THEIR dad since February 4th-and even then it was a TEN minute visit! I win. :p

Do you think I can terminate his rights? :D Maybe one of you guys would like to step in and adopt for me. In this special circumstance, I don't care what sex you are. Rofl. ;)


Mom at her Order to Show Cause hearing got irate and was willing to sign her rights away then. Begged and pleaded with the Judge to do it. But he would not do it because her emtions was getting the best of her.
I would probably do the same if I had to deal with you. You are NUTS and you have affectively ruined this woman's life. I hope you are happy with yourself.

Was "with him" then and married to him now.
Which makes it all alright now I suppose....:rolleyes:

We can only hope she does for her children.

She's been bedded in my life since the day I learned of her. This would bother me WHY? That's right it doesn't.

First of all, she was there BEFORE YOU. Which means YOU have been embedded in HER life since the day she learned of YOU. Secondly..it obviously bothers you are GREAT deal or you wouldnt be here looking for advice on how to take her child. You have done NOTHING but berate and degrade this woman. But it doesnt bother you...:rolleyes:

I mean she is THEIR mother of whom they love dearly.

Ah ha! The most truthful thing you have ever said. Too bad you dont believe it and wont allow it to continue.

Again we can only hope she would show and attend. I mean she is THEIR mother, SHE has that right but yet she has chosen NOT to by HER own choice NOT ours.

And thats her choice. But its only been TWO WEEKS! You havent actually spoken to her so you dont know what her reason is for going AWOL. She might have a very valid reason and here you are counting her out and signing up to adopt her kids! BACK THE HECK OFF!

Again I am not her issue however my husband is. "We" have letters (documented proof) of this. The Judge has MOMS testimony to this. A restraining order preventing me is not an issue how Mom has made several failed attempts to do just that trying to prevent DAD, my husband from all of the above. I repeat I am NOT this womans issue MY husband is.

OH....you ARE her issue. I am sure you are her ONLY issue because if it werent for you I bet dad would be happy with everything the way it was. I pray this woman DOES get a restraining order against you. I cant imagine that she couldnt get one. You can repeat it all you want but the fact is that you are a HORRIBLE person and I am guessing that 99% of the problems facing these girl's mother wouldnt exsist if you werent there.

Mom has the right to live where she wants to live. If she was to move next door then so be it. That's her choice. However February 02, 2008 Mom chose to move to another of course bordering State however further away than what she was before. Her right her choice NOT ours. Again this BOTHERS me why? That's right is doesn't.
Yep. Mom has the right to move and live wherever she wants. And its none of your business. Why do you ask "this bothers me why?" Did anyone ask you if it bothered you? Me thinks thou doest protest too much.

Nope quite honestly it saddens me to se how much these girls love their Mother

THERE it is folks! Thats the REAL truth coming out.

and for her to continue to show no interests in their well being or their love for her for that matter.

It sucks but such is life. Many people have gone on to have happy, successful lives who didnt have one or both parents in their lives. My mother and father both come to mind.

I also hope and pray that Mom returns, as she is their MOTHER and THEY deserve to have a RELATIONSHIP with her that I and my husband whole heartily <sp> encourage and support.

Again with the "she is their mother". Its nice to know you can say/type it but until you ACCEPT it, those girls will be living a tortured exsistance because of you.

Lies? Which brings this to mind. I suppose Mom's PARAMOUR (legal term) again this is a LEGAL FORUM, when he told my SD that this was all her FAULT because SHE (sd) tell lies on them, is ok? I guess the girls LIED when they said their Mommy wasn't going to pick them up anymore. That she wasn't going to be THEIR Mommy anymore. The fact is FOLKS we listen to these girls, we assure them that this is NOT their fault and should not feel as if they had anything to do with it. They are continously told DAILY that their MOTHER loves them dearly. That all we can do BECAUSE. "WE" and I say we because I get asked questions as well that I DO NOT have the answers to. this information is then forwarded to the Counsler. They are professionals and deal with this type of stuff.
Here is a thought. Why dont you all just shut up! Sometimes you can overtalk something to DEATH! Let dad..ALONE..sit down with the girls and explain that their mother is having some issues right now but she will work through them and until then they can be assured that their mother still loves them and so does their father and they are safe and cared for. And then leave it the hell alone!!

With that being said your opinions are of course totally the opposite of what everyone that knows me has and this is including my EX.

And of course, you have no way to prove that.

Who hates me with a passion as I do him. We have that love/hate relationship. When it comes to our kids and their best interests our feelings of one another are put on the back burner. Of course this was not the case in the beginning. Our relationship ended with a permanent Domestic Violence Injunction that was in 1999. 2001 I wrote a letter to the Judge asking for the injunction to be dismissed due to my daughter having a accident that landed her in a full body cast confined to a hospital bed for almost 4 months. It took this for him and I to put our differences aside for the sake of our children.

How did daughter end up ina full body cast? Who was watching her. Which parent was negligent? REALLY sad that it took a serious injury to your child to have you grow up and act like an adult with your ex. No matter what you might have said before or would have us believe, this little tid-bit shows your true colors in brilliant hues.

No one cares about you and your ex. You have shown that at least you are a very immature person who takes great delight in betraying people on public internet forums. First your husband's ex wife and now your ex husband. Lovely person you are. I would LOVE to know about all the skeletons in YOUR closet. But I am guessing you arent as willing to tell us about YOUR faults and failures.

Enjoy yet another ConcerndStepmom -----> Again this is my fault how? That's right it isn't.
I am going to guess that this is ALL your fault. Feeding the father all kinds of crap. Where are YOUR children? Why arent you busy taking care of them and being their mother? I have my own child. I would love more but at this point it doesnt look like its going to happen. However, I would NEVER...EVER attempt to take someone else children. Not for ANY reason!

Let me just leave you with one parting thought. What your husband did to his ex wife...he very possibly will do to you. I dont understand women who get involved with married men. Dont you ever think for a second that if he cheated on his wife with you that he isnt above doing it later on to YOU? At this point, I think whatever happens...you will deserve it and then some. It makes me sick that I share the same state with you.
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