He was at my house in the past. Or perhaps it was a different officer. But yes, this sergeant does exist, and he did call me on the phone (not come over) this time. And he was very serious about this citation and any future citations.
So there is some ambiguity.
The point being, the call you received could have been bogus. It could have been from someone pretending to be a police sgt (impersonating a police officer). Or, it could have been a police officer not on duty calling on behalf of their "friend" - your neighbor (this would also be unprofessional).
Either way, it does not hurt to call the police station and ask if there is anything in the system indicating you're in hot water.
It is certainly better to know the facts, rather than waiting around panicking that your career might be derailed just because you were playing 2048 while drinking your morning cup of Joe. Or whatever innocuous thing you claim to have been doing.
If you have actually NOT been recording your neighbor and her kids, and these are specious allegations, then stand your ground. 1) You have civil rights too. In order to be cited, there should be proof that you actually did something wrong. 2)
§ 2709 (d) False reports. If your neighbor is knowingly making false accusations, she is committing a crime. If she is just hallucinating this stuff, then heaven knows what else she is imaging, and she is mentally ill - is she fit to raise her children?
P.S. Use the tablet out of eyeshot of crazy lady for now. Although it might be amusing to go out with a paper notepad i.e. tablet and pencil/pen... "Eric is writing about us! I can tell. He's got a pen and a piece of paper!"