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Hey Bloopy

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Queen Bee
Did I respond? Was I mean?? :(
Now come on Bay. You really don't care. DO NOT CARE! Come on. YOu do NOT CARE! Right? I mean really. YOu meant what you said. Right? You don't care if people like you or if you were nice or... I mean you really don't. Right? :(


Queen Bee
Oh, and Ohiogal, I don't think that you responded to either of my threads that I deleted. I was ballsy enough to delete them even after I knew how much it is frowned on, so maybe in my old age I'm growing a pair.
Well now I can't check and see if I did respond to either of your threads that you deleted because you DELETED THEM! Damnit. We frown on that for a reason. Makes it harder for us old timers to give newbies a rough time. But you newbies are the better for it if you survive. And if you don't... oh well... it is Darwinism at its finest.


But you newbies are the better for it if you survive
I'd have to agree with that. When I made my original post I got torn apart by a few people, and guess what. I have primary custody of my daughter now. So I'd have to thank those people for that, and ofcourse I'd have to thank the ones who were a little nicer too. I think the experts here are harsh when they see something seriously wrong with the way things look for a person. And, how are they supposed to know it's a serious problem if they are nice about it? Seriously, if someone see's me doing or saying something that is going to destroy my case in court I hope to god they come up to me and beat the crap out of me to get the point across. I'd rather get ripped apart here than get ripped apart by a judge in court.

Just Blue

Senior Member
Now come on Bay. You really don't care. DO NOT CARE! Come on. YOu do NOT CARE! Right? I mean really. YOu meant what you said. Right? You don't care if people like you or if you were nice or... I mean you really don't. Right? :(
Nah...I don't care. IF I WAS "mean" there was a reason for it. And IF I WAS mean for no reason it wasn't my fault...I was PMS'ing that day...;)

Half the time newbies thing I am being nasty I am really just being blunt spoken...There is another web site where a moderator begins EACH reply with "I know this must be very frustrating for you..."...BLEAHK!! Makes me want to puke!

Just Blue

Senior Member
I'd have to agree with that. When I made my original post I got torn apart by a few people, and guess what. I have primary custody of my daughter now. So I'd have to thank those people for that, and ofcourse I'd have to thank the ones who were a little nicer too. I think the experts here are harsh when they see something seriously wrong with the way things look for a person. And, how are they supposed to know it's a serious problem if they are nice about it? Seriously, if someone see's me doing or saying something that is going to destroy my case in court I hope to god they come up to me and beat the crap out of me to get the point across. I'd rather get ripped apart here than get ripped apart by a judge in court.
Hooray!! TCOOL GETS IT!! I am gonna have Silverplum make you a "special" pudding!! :cool:


Senior Member
There are times when the swift kick doesn't need to be so darn hard, folks. I agree that many times the people coming here have NO clue what they should be doing in their cases. The don't realize that their own actions are probably the cause of half of what is going on in life.

Now, there are a few who realllllyyyy deserve what they get. I can tell you that I'm in no mood tonight to debate with a particular poster on the board. I think they may have used a different textbook with that one. I will mention no names of course.

Blunt is good. Mean is NOT. IMHO of course.


Blunt is good. Mean is NOT. IMHO of course.
Problem is so many people mistake blunt for mean. Just look at the cases of step-parents and "we". It seems the experts try to make it very clear that "we" is horrible language to use. Blunt is what they do with "'WE' have no rights. 'WE' will not get custody. There is no 'we'. You are a LEGAL stranger." That is not mean, but so many people seem to get mad about that. Mean would be "Don't say 'we' you stupid piece of crap!" I haven't seen that happen yet.


Senior Member
CC has a myriad of flavored rums in the goodie cabinet. However, I have an announcement to make:

We will elect one day a year when we will have all warm and fuzzy posts.

I vote that that day has already passed, and we should work on a day for next year:D


Did I respond? Was I mean??

I know for sure you didn't respond to my second post and I really don't remember who posted to my first one. I just know that there were some things said in a hateful way.

I'm not saying that I didn't learn anything from the replies either, I did. I know people aren't meant to go away from this site with the warm fuzzies and yes, they need the truth, it is in their best interest to have the truth.

My brother died one early morning when I was 12, my aunt came busting into the house screaming "He's dead, he's dead" Guess what? He was dead but I didn't need to be told like that. The method of delivery of the news or advice can be important especially when someone feels like they are holding on to the last thread of their sanity.

That is an extreme example but I think it helps make my point. There is truth and a lot of you know the law and are very helpful and give your time.

I'm just screwing up, I never meant to hurt anyone's feelings and I would hope that those who respond don't mean to hurt other's feelings either but I have obviously hurt feelings and I should have kept my opinions to myself. I truly am sorry.


I can honestly say that I have learned the most from you. You give concise information. I am sure that you are a nice and well-loved person. I have been on the internet long enough to know that the written word is a poor substitute for personal interaction. There is no body language to read, no wry smile to soften the blow of hard truth. I would probably like you too if I really knew you. LOL, by that I mean not that I don't like you but that I don't really know you.
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Senior Member
You are welcome Bloopy. And I really think peppier and LD are yelling at me. No offense taken and OH WELL. You know I love you LD like a little sister. And peppier, well you haven't been around long enough for me to knwo what to make of you. For your information I have the exact same attitude in dealing with my clients (the vast majority of whom LOVE ME) and the courts (and yeah they like me too!)
Actually OG, that wasn't directed at you....I was trying to gently get the attention of a couple of other people.

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