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you know this means i have to start tracking all of Zephry's posts now.

and change the name of my files to 'cj AND ZEPHRY'S book data'. no bitterness.


Senior Member
Q: so what is the criteria for being an unfit parent?

A: The criteria is that a fit parent must be able to feed, clothe, educate, and protect a child.

Q: If they do a paternity test, do I have to pay for it?

A: Yes, if it doesn't turn out to be the guy you thought it was.


Senior Member
NO Zephyr!!! she is NOT cutting you out!! i made that UP!!

it's my way of saying HEY!! i know you are dinking around w/law school, raising three kids, spending 30 percent of your time in court houses and another 20 percent getting READY to go to the courthouse, but, you know...WRITE THE BOOK ALREADY!

see? my not to subtle way of trying to control someone else's life. which usually happens when MY life is out of control!
I read that as 'drinking around the law school'. :D



From what i have learned on here, one of the MAJOR indicators of an unfit parent is when one parent tries to get the OTHER parent declared unfit.

what happens is Parent A starts a vendetta against Parent B; this facilitates Parent B feeling justified in retaliating against Parent A with THEIR vendetta.

then both parents have the option of bad mouthing each other, to their family, to their friends, to perfect strangers, making ugly claims and accusations. the bad mouthing usually leads to doing countless hours of research and documentation of every time the other parents belches and doesn't say 'excuse me', as well as tracking every moment of time spent with or devoted to (or not) the baby while simultaneously demanding that copious amounts of money be either being recieved by or having to be sent to which ever parent has custody.

Then they ensure that the baby they both claim to love and want the best for, is exposed to the anger and villification of the other parent, thus pretty well making sure said baby's self-concept is skewed, possibly from before the birth of the child.

Trying to declare a parent unfit pretty much sets the stage for parental alienation and such (which you can google) and is frowned upon by the courts.

it's an ugly, horrible, destructive hobby that a LOT of parents are invested in.

it's not recommended or supported on this site.
well the first question about being unfit...
As of right now the father has: No Job so therefore he cannot provide for the child, he has a place to live but he lives w/ 2 other guys who drink and party in the house often...it is a 2 BR Apt, and my ex sleeps on the couch...Ive been there and I know there is no room for a baby, nor would the two guys he's staying there welcome one into their house....does this help in providing information about him being unfit?

I have no job myself, but am living with my parents and they are (for now) providing me with help financially. I am in school part time and receive an income every three months from a state grant as well...can I be proved unfit? I do not drink, go out, date, smoke, do drugs of any kind, and can successfully pass a drug test.


Senior Member
so what is the criteria for being an unfit parent?

If they do a paternity test, do I have to pay for it?
I already told you in PM that you will NOT find a check list here or anywhere else.

I also told you that you would have to prove that he posed a GREAT and IMMEDIATE danger to the child's PHYSICAL well-being.

You cannot do that w/out SOLID proof.

I'm irritated w/you at this point.

A parent has a CONSTITUTIONALLY PROTECTED RIGHT to BE a parent. You will NOT be allowed to interfere with that if he CHOOSES to exercise his rights.


dink, drink,

whatever fits the best for this venue.

however, if you and Zephyr are drinking together and don't invite me? the hurt feelings are reinstated.
I do understand where you are coming from JJ I just want my child taken care of if it ever comes to him being in the care of his father...and from what I know from being in that environment myself, he wouldn't be...that was why I chose to leave it myself....because I wanted my child raised in a healthy, stable and clean environment


Senior Member
look, a declaration of unfitness is a very extreme measure, your efforts would be better spent requesting the court to order dad to parenting classes, asking that you both attend co-parenting classes, suggesting a graduated parenting time schedule for dad with the end result being at the very least the state standard time plan


i tried to help!

so much for the gentle redirection approach.

i tried to help, peanut, i really did!!

you are coming across as tho you want to have babydaddy declared unfit.

THIS is unwise.

but ok. i failed at my mission. i must bow out.
I apologize to everyone

I want what is best for my child and I will accept whatever that is...I'm just scared of losing my child or something happening to him...I feel this life growing inside of me every day, and the thought of something happening to him scares me like nothing I've ever known...if the father wants to be a good parent GREAT! I'm all for it, but from what I've seen he doesn't...he made the comment one time that he would not be a good parent; maybe he should sign over rights to his child, and when I did leave him to come back home, he told me to because he couldn't support me and he wanted to do what was best for the baby...THAT'S why I feel like I do...I apologize if I've irritated anyone or upset anyone...I'm just scared, and I realize that I should have thought about what might have happened before I put myself in this situation, but now all I can do is find out all I can and do what's best for this child, and as I said before I thank ALL of you for your help and kind words....


Just focus on you

there are threads galore on here from women in your situations. even WORSE situations.

read, peanut, and learn.

and the first thing you MUST learn is do NOT let fear own you. make it WORK for you.

when you let ANY FEAR control your actions concerning your baby you let the babydaddy's EMPTY threats control you.

Don't ask another question on here until you have read thirty threads and made notes on what you learned from them.

EDITED to add: i don't expect you will read thirty threads prior to posting again. but it wouldn't hurt.
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