Oh sorry!I asked you a question.
This is my answer.
"All parents shall keep contact information current and each shall notify the other in writing of any changes. Each parent shall maintain a working telephone.
Each parent shall have the right to contact the child(ren) by telephone at the residence, or location of the other parent with reasonable frequency, during reasonable hours. Unless an emergency arises, "reasonable frequency is defined as once per day. "Reasonable hours" is defined as 8:00 am through 8:00 pm. "Reasonable frequency" is defined as one-half(1/2) hour per call. Each parent has a duty to promptly return telephone calls place by the other and to see the the child due the same. The child(ren) shall be allowed to initiate telephone calls, during any period of parenting time."
Sooooo....it violates this. For NO reason.