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You Are Guilty

Senior Member
riverposie said:
my lawyer is a friend....he is free to me and by the way he has the lenders that are forclosing (philadelphia lawyers) running like scared rabbits...that is why they agreed to take the trashes house for nothing but a deed sign over and gave in writing that they would not go after any other property of mine, even though i already signed everything over to a friend...oh yes that is fraud...bull shi.......!!!
I showed some of this garbage to my lawyer and he had a good laugh about it...he said thats Plilly Lawyers for you....dumb, stupid and not knowing the real laws......he said to tell you if you ever need a real lawyer (one that knows the laws) give him a call .....He too is a leech to society!

It's a shame that even though you gave away all your personal belongings, you somehow managed to still hang onto that sparkling personality of yours. However, I am sure you're just days away from landing in another trailer, somewhere, so we'll all be able to sleep secure in the knowledge that one of America's greatest legal minds will be OK.

Speaking of which, I need a good lawyer, what's the name & number for yours?



i am the best!!!

i dont need much brain power to pull the wool over all your eyes...i got the jackass lenders big time..and did the bull**** fraud you speak of....soon i will transfer everything back to my name and have a ball screwing the next lender..oh by the way, they want to give me another loan for another house....i would rather live in a trailer that IS PAID FOR.....i am laughing :D out loud now you jerks...i win you loose!!!
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Senior Member
The poster's psychotic rantings remind me of Gollum in The Lord of the Rings.

"Show me, he thinks? But Posie is the smart one. Posie will show him, he will not have my Precious!"


Senior Member
riverposie said:
i dont need much brain power to pull the wool over all your eyes...i got the jackass lenders big time..and did the bull**** fraud you speak of....soon i will transfer everything back to my name and have a ball screwing the next lender..oh by the way, they want to give me another loan for another house....i would rather live in a trailer that IS PAID FOR.....not like you jack asses that pay a mortgage and the bank owns your house...i am laughing :D out loud now you jerks...i win you loose!!!

I borrowed this from a site MG provided.

Are you trailer trash? Take this quiz and find out...


1. Do you let your 12 year old daughter smoke at the table in front of her kids?

2. Does the Kelly Blue Book value on your truck go up and down, depending on how much gas is in it?

3. Do you ever have to go outside to get something from the fridge?

4. Do you have flowers planted in a bathroom fixture in your front yard?

5. Have you ever lit a match in the bathroom and your trailer exploded right off its wheels?

6. Did you have to remove a toothpick for your wedding pictures?

7. Has your wife's hairdo ever been ruined by a ceiling fan?

8. Has your front porch ever collapsed, killing all of your dogs?

9. Does the Halloween pumpkin on your porch have more teeth than your spouse?

10. Do you ever wonder how service stations keep their bathrooms so clean?

11. Has your property ever been mistaken for a recycling center?

12. Do you think a "subdivision" is part of a math problem?

13. Do you have a working T.V. sitting on top of a non-working T.V.?

14. If a tornado hit your neighborhood, would it do $100,000 worth of improvements?

15. Has the Salvation Army ever declined your mattress?

16. Do you keep a can of Raid on the kitchen table?

17. Do you have a complete set of salad bowls that all say "Cool Whip" on the side?

18. Have you ever asked the preacher, "How's it hangin'?"

19. Have you ever used a rag for a gas cap?

20. Does it matter what type of material you use to "skirt" your trailer?


Forgot One

Have you ever played the incest home board game from Milton-Bradley? --It's fun for the WHOLE FAMILY!! :D


The Real Game !!!

The only game i played was the screw the lender and as it is I did...From all the remarks i can see that you all are jealous..you wish you were debt free and owned everything youhave...My entire pay check is mine suckers...and i own my home (unlike you) who pay a stinking mortgage ..you will NEVER OWN your home...I am the winner and all of you loose...I surpass you all in intelligence..I own you as proven here..I control you as shown on here...bottom line..I screwed the lender and there aint a damm thing any of you can do about it...i bet now you agr grinding your teeth and cursing out loud because you cant stand that i won and beat the *******.......
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Happy Trails

Senior Member
riverposie said:
The only game i played was the screw the lender and as it is I did...From all the remarks i can see that you all are jealous..you wish you were debt free and owned everything youhave...My entire pay check is mine suckers...and i own my home (unlike you) who pay a stinking mortgage ..you will NEVER OWN your home...I am the winner and all of you loose...I surpass you all in intelligence..I own you as proven here..I control you as shown on here...bottom line..I screwed the lender and there aint a damm thing any of you can do about it...i bet now you agr grinding your teeth and cursing out loud because you cant stand that i won and beat the *******.......
and you forgot: I LIVE IN $300 TRAILER.

And if anyone is grinding their teeth, which I'm sure their not, at least they have teeth to grind.

We're all so jealous. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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Senior Member
riverposie said:
Keep saying that and eventually someone besides your warped mind might believe you..... maybe just as they take you to the 'home'. :D


Easy there riverposie


Hi, just getting in on a little "way of life" humor. Kudos to you, I say owning your own home is great no matter what your home is (have to draw the line at cardboard boxes). If everyone could tolerate living in a trailer for just several yrs in their early life, they might be able to save enough cash to pay for a permanent home outright. If enough of us did this, we might be able to drive these thieving banks out of business, and get them to offer us decent interest rates. We might also get them to quit setting people up for failure, giving them loans they are not qualified for, which should be illegal in the first place. Good luck to you!!



Senior Member
meerkat3232 said:

Hi, just getting in on a little "way of life" humor. Kudos to you, I say owning your own home is great no matter what your home is (have to draw the line at cardboard boxes). If everyone could tolerate living in a trailer for just several yrs in their early life, they might be able to save enough cash to pay for a permanent home outright. If enough of us did this, we might be able to drive these thieving banks out of business, and get them to offer us decent interest rates. We might also get them to quit setting people up for failure, giving them loans they are not qualified for, which should be illegal in the first place. Good luck to you!!

Are you forgetting the posts by this reject? He is in heaven in his trailer and fishing gear hanging from the tarp,(needed for shade). Poop can on one side, hefty bags on the other tied to the poles. That would be the one's holding the tarp.

I'm sorry, I just do not understand how people can live this way and think this way. We all have choices, and as adults, we choose our path in life.

Maybe I am privlidged, but I workerd my butt of for it, and I don't see any difference between this guy and me.

If he is proud of the fact that my tax dollors probobly funded his fraud, so be it, no sweat off my back.

He has an attitude from hell, but that only comes from someone so on the "EDGE" of life.
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Senior Member
riverposie said:
Well..i screwed the lender...they are going to take the house i walked away on for a simple deed transfer...my lawyer got the papers and all they want is the deed....they arent going to sue for anything and that is in writing...what they dont know is i trashed the house, stripped it and left it go to hell....this they will find out after they get it back...I WIN... THEY LOOSE....Gotta love it...this trailer trash is laughing..... and bu the way as a pro fisherman, i am making 100k a year.....how many of you city slum bums get more that 12k's a year...... remember what you were told....A lawyer is a parasite or leech to society...they give nothing to society...they only take..and if you dont have anything, then no lawyer in the world can take it from you....
My family does, as many do. 100 grand is chump change in San Fran, California as well as other Major cities throughout our country. I don't fish other than for sport, but thankyou for providing Red Lobster with great food.

Lobster Stuffed Mushroom's are a must. :D

On a serious note........You may want to take spelling lessons from the fish.
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This thread is hilarious! It's refreshing to see someone so proud and hardy that he screwed his mortgage company. It gives me the opportunity to share some wisdom about how you totally screwed yourself. First off, even though mortgage companies really don't want your %$#@ hole of a house they will still make money off it from selling it. Secondly, you shelled out thousands of dollars already paying the interest on the loan. Not to mention that you threw away your downpayment and closing costs as well. Next time you are on the river you can just roll up a few thousand dollars from your next paycheck and light a camp fire. Maybe cook a trout on it or something. Of course you can always sign everything over to your drunk fishing buddy. But then he might decide to legally sell it to go buy a new fishing pole from Wal-Mart.


totally wrong , as usual!

The interest you mention doesn't matter..what do you think you pay when you rent....thats right....money is all gone and you dont own a thing....i didnt have any closing costs .....i rented part of the house to some dopes and thay paid all my mortgage and interest....then they left and i screwed the lenders....and wait till the lender finds out the house is a big piece of shi..... i trashed it and that was after the appraiser was there...oh by the way, i took every single plant from all the gardens, i took all the landscaping etc.....we stripped the thing...call me trailer trash, red neck, whatever....i am ther smart one and you all are very jealous because i am proud of screwing the system and getting away with it (AND I OWN MY HOME AND IT IS PAID FOR) , while you arer paying BIG MORTGAGES with interest and getting nowhere.... and when you get older, you will dump your house that was owned by the bank (NOT YOU) and move into a trailer.....oh by the way, 1/3 of all Americans now live in trailers and the number is increasing......yes. TRAILER TRASH RULES!!!!!


riverposie said:
...oh by the way, i took every single plant from all the gardens, i took all the landscaping etc......yes. TRAILER TRASH RULES!!!!!
You landscaped the area around you and Jo-Bob's lawn chairs & cooler full of Pabst?? That must really set your doublewide, beige vinyl with dark brown trim, rusted door hanging off the hinges with the crooked broken steps apart from all the others!!!
You really ARE a winner!!
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