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Bottom Line Again!!!!

Just keep in mind ONE THING....I OWN IT....IT IS PAID FOR!!!!!....no tax collector or mortgage lender can take it away....it has a fireplace, 2 baths, 3 bedrooms 8 foot ceilings.....and IT IS MINE...you on the other hand are mortgaged to the hilt...work 2 jobs, you wife works 2 jobs. your kids work at McDonalds, and all that money all of you make goes to a lender who will eventually take your house for taxes or forclosuer.....Should i save a space here for you when you buy your trailer? Or are you stupid enough to keep on doing what you are doing now....you my friend are what is known as a CITY SLICKER!!!!! You couldnt survive more than one day if you ever wandered out of the city.....I on the other hand can provide for myself....I shoot wild game and dont need any city slicker crap you need to live.....so do yourself a favor and stop by to see your kids at McDonalds and eat a hamburger because you could never provide for yourself as a CITY SLICKER!!!!


Senior Member
My suggestion... this twit has far exceeded his '15 minutes' of fame (and should have only gotten 15 seconds!).
For all we know, this entire thread is just a line of crap from some 5th grader trying to get attention.

Any further responses to this idiot is only going to give him what he is crying for.... attention.

Ignore him and any further posts.


I am finished with you

No need to ignore me ..i am going to delete this dumb web page from my $6,000.00 P.C. (taxpayers paid for it) I managed to get a bunch of stupid lawyers to show their true colors of ignorance for more that their 15 minutes of fame..I am now going to sit back and attempt to bleed taxpayers money some more by applying for welfare, free heating and whatevr i can find along the way that i can get for free without breaking the law..Yes I am gonna get freebees the legal way and make all you taxpayers pay for it...i will sit in my $500.00 trailer and laugh at the world and all of those that pay mortgages as i once did.....bye ...i got to go to wal-mart and buy a fishn' pole...

Happy Trails

Senior Member
riverposie said:
No need to ignore me ..i am going to delete this dumb web page from my $6,000.00 P.C. (taxpayers paid for it) I managed to get a bunch of stupid lawyers to show their true colors of ignorance for more that their 15 minutes of fame..I am now going to sit back and attempt to bleed taxpayers money some more by applying for welfare, free heating and whatevr i can find along the way that i can get for free without breaking the law..Yes I am gonna get freebees the legal way and make all you taxpayers pay for it...i will sit in my $500.00 trailer and laugh at the world and all of those that pay mortgages as i once did.....bye ...i got to go to wal-mart and buy a fishn' pole...
**That's hilarious, your P.C. is worth more than all your other possessions. Also I noticed that you seem to think trailer houses appreciate in value. (From $300.00 to $500.00) You go ahead and laugh at the world and know the world is laughing at you.
I too have no mortgage as Paridise stated; it is not because I screwed the lender either. Some people have enough common sense, when you work hard you can accomplish good things. The important thing is you have to know how to manage money.

**You reap what you sow. So enjoy your spoils.



Ned's favorite vowel is EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Squeal boy!! :)


I screwed all you phonies!!

You're home is paid for? Who cares if you worked hard to get it..That shows the stupidity of you...I didnt work hard for mine and it is beautiful...Also I am not a stupid city slum bum like you all..living like sardines jammed next to each other..You say i am from deliverance...I depict jealousy again...because you live where at night you have 50 pad locks on your doors, bars on your windows, scum sits out on the steps with bottles of booze puking all over everything...You live in the city...you are a Democrat....I laugh at the scummy city dwelllers and I reap the freebies from all you hard working idiots...now I ask you..WHO'S THE DOPE? YOU ARE!!!!


Senior Member
Hey folks.... this nitwit is already on his 23rd second of fame.... for something that should never have even given him 2 seconds.

Let this idiot crow about his imaginary world all he wants. Ignore him!!! All you are doing by responding at all to his diatribe is feeding his own pathetic ego and demand for attention.



riverposie said:
The only game i played was the screw the lender and as it is I did...From all the remarks i can see that you all are jealous..you wish you were debt free and owned everything youhave...My entire pay check is mine suckers...and i own my home (unlike you) who pay a stinking mortgage ..you will NEVER OWN your home...I am the winner and all of you loose...I surpass you all in intelligence..I own you as proven here..I control you as shown on here...bottom line..I screwed the lender and there aint a damm thing any of you ass hol.... can do about it...i bet now you agr grinding your teeth and cursing out loud because you cant stand that i won and beat the *******.......
The only game i played was the screw the lender and as it is I did...From all the remarks i can see that you all are jealous..you wish you were debt free and owned everything youhave...My entire pay check is mine suckers...and i own my home (unlike you) who pay a stinking mortgage ..you will NEVER OWN your home...I am the winner and all of you loose...I surpass you all in intelligence..I own you as proven here..I control you as shown on here...bottom line..I screwed the lender and there aint a damm thing any of you ass hol.... can do about it...i bet now you agr grinding your teeth and cursing out loud because you cant stand that i won and beat
The only game i played was the screw the lender and as it is I did...From all the remarks i can see that you all are jealous..you wish you were debt free and owned everything youhave...My entire pay check is mine suckers...and i own my home (unlike you) who pay a stinking mortgage ..you will NEVER OWN your home...I am the winner and all of you loose...I surpass you all in intelligence..I own you as proven here..I control you as shown on here...bottom line..I screwed the lender and there aint a damm thing any of you ass hol.... can do about it...i bet now you agr grinding your teeth and cursing out loud because you cant stand that i won and beat
The only game i played was the screw the lender and as it is I did...From all the remarks i can see that you all are jealous..you wish you were debt free and owned everything youhave...My entire pay check is mine suckers...and i own my home (unlike you) who pay a stinking mortgage ..you will NEVER OWN your home...I am the winner and all of you loose...I surpass you all in intelligence..I own you as proven here..I control you as shown on here...bottom line..I screwed the lender and there aint a damm thing any of you ass hol.... can do about it...i bet now you agr grinding your teeth and cursing out loud because you cant stand that i won and beat
The only game i played was the screw the lender and as it is I did...From all the remarks i can see that you all are jealous..you wish you were debt free and owned everything youhave...My entire pay check is mine suckers...and i own my home (unlike you) who pay a stinking mortgage ..you will NEVER OWN your home...I am the winner and all of you loose...I surpass you all in intelligence..I own you as proven here..I control you as shown on here...bottom line..I screwed the lender and there aint a damm thing any of you ass hol.... can do about it...i bet now you agr grinding your teeth and cursing out loud because you cant stand that i won and beat


Senior Member
Wow!! Did somebody let Johnny Wizard out of prison? For those that recall JW, I think JW was "canned" for impersonating a tuna.

Originally posted by riverposie
....until some big windstorm "over rules" the trailer trash!!

Originally posted by riverposie
......I shoot wild game...
Great! Then go shoot yourself and go away!!


King Of Trailer Trash

I am the king of trailer trash...i screwed the lenders with a dump, stripped house under forclosure and came out the winner! You are paying for everything i do ....keep working so i can go fishing and hunting on taxpayers money..TRAILER TRASH RULES AND I OWN YOU!!!!
i CONTROL YOU.....YOU DO WHAT I SAY....Keep the checks rolling in while i sit back and laugh at you working people..the hardest work i do is walk to the mail box for the welfare check and the SSI check and all the free food and clothing....well, got to go, i have to go fishing on my $30,000.00 boat you taxpayers paid for......see ya bubba!!!
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