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When Trailers Collide and Other "Trash" Stories!

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Junior Member
StarsMoon said:
This is just toooo funny....:D
Look what happens.... I go away for a few days and I've missed all the action...:p
You guys are just too funny.....
Thanks for the laughs, I needed that......:p

My response:

Great! Glad to see you back, and that you're having a good time on this thread. Now, get out there on the forums and help find me some good Trailer Trash stories, and help the "Cause."



Senior Member
Here is one from AZ

I need help quick

What is the name of your state? Arizona

I was in a relationship for approx 2 months. In that time this guy stole my car.The police called this a domestic Violence dispute and that this is a civil case. They did not consider my car stolen because I let him drive it ONE time.So the police let me down. Now after a couple of weeks go by he comes to my home banging on my door about to break it in. He said he needed my help so I opened the door. Yes, I know but at that time I still cared for him. Once he got inside he put a machette (a hugh knife) to my throught and was blaming me for things I did not do or even had knowledge about. Then he proceed into my bedroom were 3 days before I had purchased a video servalliance system and he took the screen and the dvr, and an expensive gold chain and my purse. He left and I called the police right away I also told her that he had this hugh knife to my throught. They took their time and I called back and I was told the officer is waiting for a backup I was so scared he was going to come back and I had said again he had this hugh knife to my throught and she said oh that was listed on the call the first time. Can you believe that. I get let down again by the police. I told them what type of vehicle he was driving hoping they could put an all points bulletin out but guess what, no they did not. So this guy steals approx 8-10,000 out of my house and he gets away with it. Unbelievable. Only in Arizona. Then in the meantime while I'm trying to find out if and where he's trading or selling my stuff for drugs his mother goes to court gets an injuction of harassment against me and gets it... can you believe that. I have been trying to get him served for over a month..... help I'm going crazy and I'm just about to take the law into my own hands. The detective doesn't call me back or maybe its not a proiroty again this time. But I called him and left a message telling him to forget it I'll take care of it myself. Because now I believe he is out of state. They take so long and in the mean time the mother is lying to the judge she could not prove any of these acts that I'm suspected to have done. help


In other threads OP claims her husband was killed in a hospital and in another that she is crazy.

You Are Guilty

Senior Member
I think with the sheer number of contestants, you're going to have to have some sort of "quarter-finals" to narrow the field down a bit. However it's arranged, it's going to be hard to beat the ones already posted.


Senior Member
You Are Guilty said:
I think with the sheer number of contestants, you're going to have to have some sort of "quarter-finals" to narrow the field down a bit. However it's arranged, it's going to be hard to beat the ones already posted.
That's easy...

All those from Arkansas and California....

Battle of the Trailer Trash Stars !!!!!


Senior Member
this should at least make honorable mention:

Texas: Aggrevated Assualt against wife - broken jaw. NOT Intentional!!! ( 1 2)


I was arrested and charged with Aggrevated Assault Family Violence on Sunday.

My wife (common law) were argueing for a minute and as I was throwing my hands in disgust for her smelling like beer (she was walking our 14 month old in her stroller) I hit her in the jaw and broke it. 100% honest accident, I know how it sounds, that I broke my wife's jaw, but honestly I did not mean to hit her.

Im wanting to get some information about what I can expect in court and if I would be getting jail time.

This is my first assault offense, the only things on my record are going to jail for traffic warrants a couple times and a small possession of marijuana charge 11 years (it was 1 gram).

I am very scared. It is the State vs Me, so my wife really isn't in the picture.

I have a protective order against me and I cannot go within 400 yards of her house, I have yet to talk with her since the incident, Im not sure what she is thinking... if she wants me to go to jail or not. We've been together for 9 years.

I am really scared and at a loss on where to find help or information. I cannot afford a lawyer.

thank you

Just Blue

Senior Member
I think this has a good trashy feel to it!:cool:

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Posts: 2

baby outside marriage


What is the name of your state? maryland
if a married man has a baby with another woman other than his wife, does the wife has any rights to the child?

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#2 Today, 10:12 AM
Senior Member Join Date: Nov 2005
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Originally Posted by stumpedinmd1
What is the name of your state? maryland
if a married man has a baby with another woman other than his wife, does the wife has any rights to the child?

No. Why would you think that she would?

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#3 Today, 10:17 AM
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wouldn't she legally be the stepmother to this child? Stepparents don't have any rights?

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#4 Today, 10:19 AM
Senior Member Join Date: Nov 2005
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Originally Posted by stumpedinmd1
wouldn't she legally be the stepmother to this child? Stepparents don't have any rights?

That is ALL she would be is the stepmother. Stepparents have NO rights and NO say in anything.

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#5 Today, 10:31 AM
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She is legally nothing.

She is also NOT the stepmother.

She is nothing to this child.

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#6 Today, 10:45 AM
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Originally Posted by BelizeBreeze
She is legally nothing.

She is also NOT the stepmother.

She is nothing to this child.

And yet HER jointly titled assets can be seized or liened to support the child.

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#7 Today, 10:58 AM
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Originally Posted by stumpedinmd1
Stepparents don't have any rights?

Stepparents are legal strangers. So she'd have the same rights to the child as I would.

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#8 Today, 11:53 AM
Senior Member Join Date: Mar 2004
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Originally Posted by stumpedinmd1
wouldn't she legally be the stepmother to this child? Stepparents don't have any rights?

Did your hubby go out and procreated without you?


Queen Bee
English is stumpedinmd1's second language right? Because I was seeing English and the answer to her question but apparently she wasn't. :confused:


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#1 Today, 11:42 AM
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17 yr. old : Theft, what happens?


What is the name of your state? Indiana

Last month, I stole 3 little apple juice's for my 6 mo. old daughter & I have an informal meeting with the juvenile probation officer Thursday, May 11th. Does anybody know what might be done about this? Probation is what I'm expecting, maybe 6 mos. or even a year. But is getting sent off a factor also. Oh and if it makes a difference, in my past I've gotten put on probation (by the same officer) for truancy, and minor consumption. Please help (before next Thurs.)! It will be greatly appreciated.

KrystiWhat is the name of your state?

Sounds trashy to me.


ok...no trailer...just trash

01-23-2006, 05:57 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 11

grow room found by mistake


What is the name of your state?What is the name of your state?tenn

Here goes!! me and my wife were fussing,cops got called,by people next door.i had a grow room up stairs that no one was aware of but my wife.when we opened the door to see the cops standing there,they pulled her out side and i stayed inside with the other cop.the cop with me asked for my id,i said i had a id but was no good and did not know were it was.my wife told the cop with her she just wanted to leave to chill out,instead they thought i had hit her so i was arested for a domes. while i was in the cops car,they started looking around for my id which i see no reason they needed it but that is what they told her,she thought i gave the perm. to look but did not.she was never told anything,and was never aloud to go back in the house.she did not tell them i even touched her so she tought i said something about the fight and they just went a head and charged me with it any ways.anyways they went uptsairs and found the grow room.

they found 40 plants,let me say this i have never been in trouble,worked ever since i got out of school,i got injured at work,and have been on workers comp.for over a year.i started doing this because we started losing everything we had. we even had to move in gov. housing in which i was not on the lease. all of the stuff was donated to me by a number of canabis sites.

i am just wanting to know really what to expect out of all this-they charged me with manufacturing i think it is a class d fel. which is 3-9 years.
crazy thing to do!!!


can you tell i have nothing better to do

01-05-2006, 10:26 PM
Junior Member Join Date: Jan 2006
Posts: 1

Neighbor troubles


What is the name of your state?What is the name of your state? Pennsylvania

I wanted to know if there were any cases where someone sued their neighbor for being a nuisance?

I have lived at my present address for 7 years. Almost from day one we have had nothing but trouble with my next door neighbors. We live in what most would consider a townhouse.

To sum it up over the last 7 years my family and I have lived next to people who have allowed their animals to use their floors as their litter box, they have had plumbing problems and have thrown bath water etc out the window,in the past have had a broken freezer sit for 4 months with food in it. ( we had asked them on several occasions if there could have been anything in their basement that could have been creating the horrific smell we were experiencing in our house.) we had checked ours on numerous occasions and could not locate the cause of the odor. We had an exterminator in and he felt it was coming from their house and finally the eldest child went downstairs and found that it was a freezer that had died.

We have witness knock down drag out fights between the children and we never wanted to be the neighbor that call the cops we thought we should just mind our own business. Well after all of this. Two of the boys had a fist fight that originated in the house and ended up outside and one shoving the other into my husbands car and creating a huge dent in the side of the car.

My husband did not personally see them go into the car but did see them fighting out in the middle of the street in the vicinity of his car. Of course they denied any wrong doing and unfortunately he did not notice the dent until 3 hours after the fight when he had gone to the store and was getting out of his car and notice the big dent.

Since this event took place they are trying to be as obnoxious as possible. They are fairly big people and they stomp and jump and make my entire house shake. It appears that they sit along side our common wall and bang the floor w/a hammer in the same spot for hours.

When we get company they stare down my visitors and make them feel unsafe and uncomforable.

I do not want to stoop to their level and play the same games, nor do I want to let them know that what they are doing is irritating us to no end.

I have considered calling the police, but by the time they would get here they would stop or they would see the police and stop and some of the other things seem to be hard to prove.

There have been reports to our local government about the condition of the outside of their property. They have tall grass in the summer time and junk cars that they store in the back of there house and have been told remove them and maintain their property only to have more tall grass and junk cars.

The back of there house has some much junk piled at the back door that you can't even see it and with all the complaints that have been made by my neighbors I feel that calling the police about my situation is only going to fall on deaf ears.

I would like to know if I can sue them or the owner of the property for the condition for which it is in as I think that is the only thing I will be able to prove.

We feel trapped, if we would try to sell our house now, we would not get our full potential with their property being in the condition it is in. But I don't know how much more of this I can stand either.

Please I need advise!!!!!!!!!



Junior Member
My response:

Just to let everyone know . . .

I'm still reading this entire thread, still checking, deciding and choosing.

So, keep 'em coming, folks!

Looks like it's going to shape up to be a doozie of a contest!



03-04-2006, 01:55 AM
Junior Member Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 10

State Mental Hospital Nightmare


What is the name of your state? Ga. My husband is in jail for traffing. Been in for 5 months. I have never missed a visit. I love him and so does our three kids. Lately he has been vomiting blood and has been a little depressed. He mentioned this to my mother in law when she came to visit him for the first time the other day. She is not one of my favorite people, has serious control issues, nosy is not the word. This woman comes to my house and because the home we built 14 years ago sits on her land that she "give" us for our wedding, but has since reclaimed every time she gets mad. This so called christian woman and her son, my brother in law, huddled, (They always needed to speak with my husband privately) I really cant stand these people. Together they told my husband that they could get him into a drug rehab. He was looking forward to something different. The police Transferred him yesterday To the State Mental Hospital. His lawyer was not told and neither was I. He had been drug free for 5 months. I cannot imagine how he felt when he realized where he was. He called last night, I will get him out of there. HOWEVER i have to. How? PLEASE HELP. he is not doing well. He does not belong there. He has to be a daddy. He sounds like someone else. He begged me to please take him back to jail. His tone stays the same. never lower or higher. When he realized where he had been tricked into going I cant imagine how he felt. I asked his mother why and she said because of his stomach. I will deal with her on my own. I have to get him out. I have never heard him say he was depressed before and I think the jail was getting him down a little. He is in the State Mental hospital and I have to get him out. He is a good man. Please tell me who to call. I called them and was told they give no info. Who is in charge of the one who is in charge of this information. It seems like he dissappeared.


Junior Member
My response:

Oh, yeah. That one's a "keeper" too!

I just love how she says, "He's a good Daddy" and "I will get him out of there." Maybe she can use some chain wrapped around the bars, and her pick-up truck?

Georgia trailer trash. You really gotta love these people. They are SO entertaining! They think sideways!

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