The agreement was that when he turned 4 it would go back to court *if they couldnt agree in mediation* to see who got their son for school year and stuff like that...but even older children...once they start school would that actualy be a reasonable schedule? How in the world would parents that live 3 hours apart keep the child on that schedule. It makes no sense to me.
but because she couldnt follow the order, always claimed her car was broke down, or something.. so after he filed contempt on her she did not show for the contempt hearing 4 times in a row... this angered the Judge and he figured she was trying to hide their son from him and the courts so he then ordered dad to have full custody with mom not having any visitation until she went to court to file for them..
We would drive down to Blue Mountain Turnpike exit every two weeks (on Fridays) to meet up with her.. After exchanging custody like 2 or 3 times then she stopped coming down to bring him to his dad.. *at the turnpike exit there were cameras so it was easy to proove she was never showing up and also the time tickets from the turnpike would show the date and time we were there*