ConcerndStepmom said:All hubby's lawyer kept saying was . "Why do you want to do that when you will get her on the flip side" Speaking of the youngest step daughter that he had the DNA test done, but fought to remain her legal father. She is 19 months now. She denied visitation for over 5 months. She filed a false domestic violence. She was found in contempt of court but due to her lawyer taking the blame that got thrown out. She was inform by 2 different judges and one magistrate 4 times of what was court ordered. She refused to comply until the final judgement. But got her hand slapped everytime.
They have been to court 5 times over the same crap. Both parties are to strictly comply with the standard model.
You all know you can't file papers one day and in court the next it takes time.
You all claim I am whining over this? I just simply ask questions and let you all know what's going on NOW. These are not only questions that we have asked but questions that the SCHOOL, the TEACHER, the DOCTORS and the PSYCHIATRIST (oldest SD's counselor) has ask.
Oldest SD had behavioral issues at school all through out the year, the one and only conference that she (the mother) showed up for, these issues were addressed. The teacher and school counselor addressed their concerns. The mother said she was going to take her to see a psychiatrist. She did the very first time the evaluation to see whom they were going to place her with. Mother has not taken her to anymore. Hubby or myself has, the couselor has asked questions that only the mother could answer because she is the one that filled out the paper work. For instance: The counselor ask a question about oldest SD hitting young SD for no reason. Hubby responded and said that she doesn't do that at our house and the counselor asked me the same question and I told him that I have never seen her hit anyone not even including my own kids. This is not the same councelor that mother seen the first time that took the intake. Counselor said that mother stated on the paper work that Mother said she thought her daughter was acting out because she was lacking attention from her father. And Hubby explained to him that of what happened last year her denying visitation. And that during this school year that has just ended that he only got visitation to his daughter every other weekend and one day during the week. That he did spend alot of time at school volunteering in her classroom and fieldtrips and so forth to have that extra time with her. But his daughter would see him every morning when he went to pick his younger daughter to exercise back up care while she had to go to school daycare per mother's request NOT his.WHERE IS MOM AND WHY ISN'T SHE INVOLVED??????
ALL BS aside.... If in fact there are problems arising with SD it's NOT because of ME as you all MIGHT see it (the JEALOUS STEP MOM) being so involved in SD's life providing the love and support she needs, IT will NOT be Father's fault for the lack of not trying. OUR two faces are the ones that SD's see. WE are the TWO that spends the most physical QUALITY time with both girls.
Again HOW am I a JEALOUS STEP MOTHER? splain lucy...
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