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Moving from Georgia

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Junior Member
What is the name of your state? Georgia

ok...this is going to be a novel and I apologize for that ahead of time. I want to be sure I include everything and the reasons behind it. I have read the post of another mom here who moved and do not wish to make the same mistakes.

I recently married someone from another state. He has small children and we have been commuting to keep his relationship intact and strong. Unfortunately, in the last two months there have been changes to our work situation that will prohibit us from being able to do this anymore. My children are 14 and 11. His are under 5 years old.

Let me say this, we have been divorced over two years, my ex and I work exceptionally well together in regards to our children. There is no animosity between us and what was there when we were married was confined to us and neither of us considered pain or what not caused by the other during the marriage to be something that should involve our children. The relationship with our children is totally separate from what happened between us and our relationship as parents is totally different from what it was as spouses. We (my ex and I) actually visit with each other and maintain a close friendship despite the extreme pain throughout our marriage and subsequent divorce. Through this we have created an environment that has allowed my children not only to cope and know that they still have both parents and both love them but also they thrive. In fact, just as an example, my oldest daughter's grades in school have soared.

The divorce decree as it stands is joint legal custody, with me designated as primary physical guardian. He was given standard visitation of EOW and was to pay child support. In the divorce papers he entirely responsible for pick up and delivery of the children for visitation. We personally worked out with one another a two week schedule with each parent. They have always had access to the other parent no matter the time of day or night when needed. He pays no child support since he literally has them with him the same amount of time I do and provides for them during that time. We each maintain a literal home (clothing, personal items of theirs, paying for school lunches, etc.) separately and independent of the other.

The issue is this: In order for my husband to maintain his relationship with his children who are much smaller (thus do not have the memory and established relationship to their dad that mine do) we have to move out of state to be in the area. I have my own business that has taken a severe financial hit and I expect it to take further hits in the near future. The main client has had financial problems and that has translated to less money for my business. We have conducted job searches in both places and have gotten vastly better response in the area where my husband's children reside. So...in order to live and maintain his relationship, we have no real choice but to move and seek other employment before the business dries completely up.

I firmly believe that the best place for my children is with me. That is for several reasons, not the least of which is that they are female and as such I relate to their issues and development better. I have, of course, spoken with my children's father on several occasions about this move. He is not happy about it but understands the need. It is understood between us that each would do all they can to facilitate time on holidays and breaks with their dad as well as communication on very regular basis. Both of them have web cams, instant messengers, their own computers, and phone access for talking to their dad whenever they would want to.

So....after all that...my question is...what is the best way to go about making this move so that I do not fall into any legal potholes? Will a certified letter or a letter signed by both of us be enough to constitute notification prior to the event? Would emails constitute? I do not expect my ex-husband to file anything in court. I do want to be prepared in the off chance he does though.

Please understand that I am absolutely sick about this. My nerves are shot and I have cried myself to sleep more times than I can count about it. I know that this is a legal forum; however, you all seem to be very intelligent people and I would like to hear any point of view I may not have seen or hear any advice that would help this situation so that my husband, my ex, and I are able to maintain strong healthy relationships with our children.


Senior Member
Your new H's problems are not your children's problems.

If you take your kids away from their Dad, who sees them half the time, you are being rude and selfish and inconsiderate.

If your new H's kids are more important to you than yours, then by all means: give custody of your kids to their Dad, and move with your H. :rolleyes:


Junior Member
you are saying then that I should be completely inconsiderate of my husband and his children (my step-children whom I love also)? Why do you think I'm sick about this? It is an extremely difficult situation for everyone.

To be honest...I might would be more dog eat dog about it if his children were older. Mine are teenagers and more able to keep a strong relationship over long distances. Does it matter that my children want to be with me? Particularly the oldest. But both of them have expressed wanting to live with me although they are not happy about having to move either.

Do you honestly think with the relationship I described above that the possibility of giving him custody to keep from uprooting them was not discussed? My ex also feels that the best place for them is with me but is not happy about the situation. He has 4 other children (3 step-children and one baby with his new wife) to care for. All of them boys. He understands why it would be important for the girls to be with their mother. Having said that, I'm the type of person that likes to have all my bases covered.

Again, I do not expect to have to use it, but the advice would be nice.

Having said that, I appreciate your input and believe it is entirely likely that you have not personally been in a situation like the one described above.


Senior Member
Having said that, I appreciate your input and believe it is entirely likely that you have not personally been in a situation like the one described above.
My personal experience/s are of no matter to you -- This is a LEGAL BOARD, where we discuss the LEGAL ISSUES. Whether or not you ~feel~ that it is good to move your children away from their father is actually a LEGAL issue. So if you don't ~like~ it, hire an attorney to tell you the answers.

And legally, if you want to move, you have a legal problem. Someone here who thinks that fathers are of no import will answer you and help you take the children from their father. I won't.
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Senior Member
you are saying then that I should be completely inconsiderate of my husband and his children (my step-children whom I love also)? Why do you think I'm sick about this? It is an extremely difficult situation for everyone.

To be honest...I might would be more dog eat dog about it if his children were older. Mine are teenagers and more able to keep a strong relationship over long distances. Does it matter that my children want to be with me? Particularly the oldest. But both of them have expressed wanting to live with me although they are not happy about having to move either.

Do you honestly think with the relationship I described above that the possibility of giving him custody to keep from uprooting them was not discussed? My ex also feels that the best place for them is with me but is not happy about the situation. He has 4 other children (3 step-children and one baby with his new wife) to care for. All of them boys. He understands why it would be important for the girls to be with their mother. Having said that, I'm the type of person that likes to have all my bases covered.

Again, I do not expect to have to use it, but the advice would be nice.

Having said that, I appreciate your input and believe it is entirely likely that you have not personally been in a situation like the one described above.
If their father is willing to agree to the move, then I suggest that you take it to court for a modification and to establish a long distance parenting schedule. That will best safeguard all parties.


Senior Member
you are saying then that I should be completely inconsiderate of my husband and his children (my step-children whom I love also)? Why do you think I'm sick about this? It is an extremely difficult situation for everyone.
Most difficult of all for the children's father as it seems he really HAS no choice and isn't high up on the list of people you love so won't get the consideration he really should. I agree with Silverplum -- you are putting your husband and his kids ahead of your ex husband and his kids.


Senior Member
Most difficult of all for the children's father as it seems he really HAS no choice and isn't high up on the list of people you love so won't get the consideration he really should. I agree with Silverplum -- you are putting your husband and his kids ahead of your ex husband and his kids.
Thanks, wiley.

I want to know WHY the New H is already living far from his kids and WHY this is now the problem of the Old H.

In my mind, New H is a separate entity. His problems are not Dad's problems. WHY should DAD suffer??? Why should the KIDS suffer without their DAD so that some stepsiblings will be happier?

Believe me, if I were the judge, Mom would be NCP in an instant for this.


As it seems this thread is mostly going in an emotional direction I want to say this... W_T_F_ Why do people decide to make their new love a higher priority than their OWN CHILDREN?!?!

I'm sorry but anyone whom I have ever cosidered being involved with on a romantic level knows from day one my daughter is #1 no ifs ands buts SHE is IT. I will not be moving out of her school district, I will not be moving away from any of her extended family.

I would not "uproot or disturb" my daughter for ANYONE!

:eek:sorry...I seem to be in a bit of a mood don''t I? *going to my corner to eat some tapiocca puddin'*


Senior Member
As it seems this thread is mostly going in an emotional direction I want to say this... W_T_F_ Why do people decide to make their new love a higher priority than their OWN CHILDREN?!?!

I'm sorry but anyone whom I have ever cosidered being involved with on a romantic level knows from day one my daughter is #1 no ifs ands buts SHE is IT. I will not be moving out of her school district, I will not be moving away from any of her extended family.

I would not "uproot or disturb" my daughter for ANYONE!

:eek:sorry...I seem to be in a bit of a mood don''t I? *going to my corner to eat some tapiocca puddin'*
Amen! I passed up buying a house that was only four blocks south because the move would have made kiddo change school districts. When I got engaged, hubby moved to me.


Senior Member
Thanks, wiley.

I want to know WHY the New H is already living far from his kids and WHY this is now the problem of the Old H.

In my mind, New H is a separate entity. His problems are not Dad's problems. WHY should DAD suffer??? Why should the KIDS suffer without their DAD so that some stepsiblings will be happier?

Believe me, if I were the judge, Mom would be NCP in an instant for this.
Even if the kids wanted to move with mom? Even if is was more damaging for the kids to be separated from mom than dad?

Something like this is exactly why I never chose to get seriously involved with anyone after I divorced. I never wanted to have to deal with these kinds of issues.

However, I also 100% supported my ex when he felt that he had no choice but to move halfway across the country to establish a relationship with his son...when our daughter was a young teen.

In a perfect world divorced and separated parents would choose to live in the same subdivision untl their children were adults, and would share custody and parenting....and would never get involved with someone who couldn't 100% support those goals.

However, this world is never going to be perfect.

Some people, like you silver, would espouse mom divorcing her current husband in favor or maintaining dad's rights, even if dad was willing to work it out.


Senior Member
He understands why it would be important for the girls to be with their mother.
I just re-noticed this...

So, All Posters -- when you have a child that is NOT the same gender as you are, should you give up that child to the same-gender parent??


Gawd, but they're getting dumber and dumber and more and more selfish by the DAY. :eek:


Senior Member
Some people, like you silver, would espouse mom divorcing her current husband in favor or maintaining dad's rights, even if dad was willing to work it out.
Some people capitalize my name, out of general respect. ;)

Some people actually value fathers, believe it or not. :rolleyes:

Some people actually think before they make major life decisions, such as marrying someone who has children in another state. :cool:


I once had psycolgist tell me that after working exclusivly with children in divorcing/divorced/other wise split parent situations, (for 20+yrs)she believed that the easiest and best all around thing for parents to do is for one parent to leave completly, and let the child go through the normal steps of greiving as though the parent had died...she said in the long run it would do far less damage than all the crap that people usualy make their children go through.:(


Junior Member
Ok...so then my husband, whose children are not able to comprehend and maintain as well, should have to decide whether my children are more important than his?

At least you seem to understand that it is a horrible thing. I take no joy in this. You assume that I have no consideration for my ex-husband. Just who do you suppose came up with the arrangement for every two weeks so that he could see them more AND not have to pay child support? Who do you think has gone to the lengths to keep the situation where their dad has such a strong relationship with them? Who could it possibly be that told her children repeatedly that they needed to speak to their dad when problems between them arose and then when the dad called to ask advice spent hours on the phone with him to help him have a better understanding of them?

Has he put in time with them? Absolutely. Has he been a great dad? Absolutely. Does this suck for him? Damn right it does. And it tears me up.

We are talking about a man who mentally, verbally, and emotionally abused me during our marriage. Someone who cheated on me for over half the marriage and was caught red handed on 4 different occasions. My oldest daughter has vivid memories of this and even though it has never been directed toward her she resents the hell out of it. Who is it, do you suppose that has talked her around into understanding that her dad is not the monster she believed him to be?

Do you not understand that this move is necessary to survival (paying for food, housing, etc.) as well as to help my husband?

Furthermore, the relationship between a parent and children and spouses are not even nearly on the same level. My children occupy a space in my heart equaled ONLY by that of my mate. This is how it should be. My children are of utmost importance to me...thus it is my desire to make sure they are where they are best served even when that requires hard decisions.

If I understand the majority of you....I should not have a life...and god forbid I fall in love with someone who has children outside my home state because that makes me the worst mother of the year right?

The reason my husband is so far away from his children is because until recently the visitation was not a problem. We made regular visits to see his children and spent time with them and my children (all of us together when mine were with me) within the time his ex-wife would allow. That has changed and we can no longer afford to do both.

What LEGAL reason would there be to give custody to my ex, Silverplum? I'm not maliciously moving just to cause problems or just on a whim. I am moving due to financial constraints and considerations for my family as a whole.

Thank you LdiJ for the legal advice.


she said in the long run it would do far less damage than all the crap that people usualy make their children go through.

My SIL, who is also a mental health professional, says the same thing.

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