MsTKirk said:
Ugh, rmet4nzkx.....
ok, maybe ya missed something in my endless postings. But, my ass was saved yesterday in court. I do believe the hearing has been set to a "short cause calendar" or an "evidentary hearing", the date I don't know yet. That's what I was going to ask for, should I have showed up yesterday. So, that I could present my evidence.
No, I didn't miss anything in your endless postings. You are the one missing the point. I have better things to do than to continue to post to a person who is out of touch with reality, the only reason I do is for the sake of your child. You think and act lije this is a game.
Your number one priority yesterday was to attend court. If you are not competent for what ever reason, please hire an attorney to make your appearances and to advise you what is acceptable behavior in court and what is admissiable as evidence. This is going to cost you at least a $5,000 retianer given the history you have related. Not only was it your number one priority to attend court, but you should have found out what happened from your husband, before comming here and running off on this wild goose chase.
I asked a judge to comment on your thread and he declined stating that he had had his fill of drama.
It is obvious you have significant psychological problems and you need therapy indefinately and possibly medication. The mediator may make a reccommodation, but the court can and will inquire of the therapist as to your progress in therapy, don't think for a minute that 12 sessions will be enough.
Much of the evidence is not admissable or already considered. This is a court system based on rules and laws, not the Chinese Water Torture! You think if you continue to ignore reality and batter long enough you will get you way, but it doesn't work that way. You already lost primary custody of your child, in a situation which should have been almost certain for you to retain primary custody, you lost it because of your inappropriate behaviors and attitude,
MsTKirk said:
and write this down, rmet4nzkx;
1. she has finished 4 of the 12 sessions so far (therapy)
That is a start, but you have repeatedly complained that you didn't need it and were refusing to attend, you certainly are not complient and your history is argumentative and oppositional. This is not reason in and of it's self to change custody.
MsTKirk said:
2. she hasn't smoked since august 2002
Good. This is not reason in and of it's self to change custody. It is possible that the nicotine was a form on medication, are you on any psychiatric medications? If so, what type of doctor is perscribing them?
MsTKirk said:
3. father has violated current custody/visitation orders and is a repeated filer for wanting all custody terminated, every time I pitch a fit about his his endless violations of the court orders, ex:
a) changed the child's school of attendance (told child don't tell mom)
He has the right to petition for modifications when there is a change in circumstances. Your threatening attitude would force any good parent to file for a modification in custody. If he was not justified or violating the orders, the court and the mediators would not be giving him more and you less.
a). He is primary custodal parent, if he moves he can change schools, his only limitation was to remain in the same county, there is no violation. These are not reasons in and of it's self to change custody.
MsTKirk said:
b) doesn't 1st let me know about what he's enrolling our son into,til afterwards(stipulation in current orders state:must 1st tell other parent)
You are being picky, if he can move, he can change schools, he is providing you the required notice, there is no violation. This is not reason in and of it's self to change custody.
MsTKirk said:
c) moves to a different town, literally waits to have the apartment set up, then tells child to call me and give me new address (i never
even knew he had intentions of moving, farther away)
This is a repeat of the issues in a & b, asked and answered, thus you are beating a dead horse. This is not reason in and of it's self to change custody.
MsTKirk said:
d) put my son into therapy and refused to tell me what, if any issues my son was having to warrant the need of therapy (50% legal custody)
Since you do not believe in therapy and you were ordered to therapy, your consent is not required. Therapists in the State of California follow certain guidlines which include informed consent. Furtheremore, the child has rights to confidentiality, so unless there is an exception to the laws re confidentiality, the child or appropriate person signs a release, and there is a need, you as a parent are not entitled to any information other than that the child attended therapy. They can invite you to attend with them, tell you what they want, but DON'T ASK THEM OR BAGGER THEM to find out the contents of therapy. If it is related to court, the judge can request, testimoney, reports, which may also be confidential, even from you. There is no violation here. This is not reason in and of it's self to change custody.
MsTKirk said:
e) I wrote 5 letters reminding him of the court orders and to follow them
These letters have already been considered by the mediator and the judge advised, remember they said you were argumentative and the father was appropriate in his demeanor. This is harassment on your part and could affect your custody.
MsTKirk said:
f) has been recording all my phone conversations with my son that i've been having.
As you have stated on another thread this is legal as long as it is for his own enjoyment and not shared and it won't be, nor will you share the recording you have been making. This is a non issue.
MsTKirk said:
g) while awaiting the arrival of my son, on my visitation days, he at times has taken the child to his parents house 80 miles away and then claims, I was inagreement with him doing so, i must have forgotten he says.
This is he said, she said, and I suspect there is more to this story. This is not reason in and of it's self to change custody.
MsTKirk said:
h) refused to let me take my son to the dentist when he broke his tooth because it was on his time..for me to wait til my next visitation
It was his time, you were just trying to force yourself into his time. If you were a dedicated mother you would have appeared in court yesterday. This is not reason in and of it's self to change custody.
MsTKirk said:
i) has committed perjury in a major way within latest filing, yep i can disprove about 18 statements that he made within in.
If your proof of this is like the baove evidence, I suspect that you have no proof, no far there is little or no merit to your proof of facts. This is not reason in and of it's self to change custody, do you even know how to present this sort of "evidence"?